Please join us for our annual Bloomin' Bingo night! The event starts at 5:30pm tomorrow night, 3/25 at CPS. See you there!
6 days ago, Meegan Russell
Bloomin' Bingo
No bus 9 today due to illness.
about 2 months ago, Art computer
Reminder: Our Scholastic Book Fair is taking place this week. It will be open during Parent/Teacher conferences on Thursday and Friday as well.
over 55 years ago, Meegan Russell
Due to illness and lack of coverage, Bus 9 will not be running today, Tuesday, March 12th. If your child takes Bus 9 home, please call the school to let the office know how your child will be getting home this afternoon. Thank you!
over 55 years ago, Meegan Russell
Reminder: Thursday is an early release for students. Dismissal starts at 12:25pm. Parent/teacher conferences will take place Thursday afternoon and Friday. There will be no school for students on Friday.
over 55 years ago, Meegan Russell
Check it out!
over 55 years ago, Meegan Russell
Our fall fundraiser ends next Monday, 10/9. Please turn them into the office on Tuesday. We thank you for your support!
over 55 years ago, Meegan Russell
Reminder: Tuesday, October 3rd is our Student Flu Clinic.
over 55 years ago, Meegan Russell
Check it out!
over 55 years ago, Meegan Russell
Starting off the school year with a USDA Food & Nutrition Service Civil Rights training for our food service program.
over 55 years ago, Fall Mountain Regional School District
staff sitting at tables in training